A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, services, supports, and opportunities leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.
Advantages of a Community School:
Provides a proven infrastructure to coordinate and integrate community services and implement sustainable prevention-based strategies for children, youth and families
Increases the use of local public school facilities
Integrates and coordinates existing public services
Maximizes communication between school and community
Enriches and enhances learning through formal and informal activities
Reinforces a sense of community and improves the quality of life in the neighbourhood
Improves communication between school and community
Provides an opportunity for local residents to participate in community activities
Provides an opportunity for community residents, parents, staff and students to address needs specific to their community
Develops a means of improving economic well being of the community
Brings additional resources into the school
The EMCS Society is a member of the Association for Community Education in British Columbia (ACEbc).